Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Hey PIU Students, this is the latest edition of the . . .

President to Students
(Pr to Ss) News.

The picture, above, is of my youngest grandchild, five years ago. Like me, and probably you, she is thinking about Christmas. It is a good theme for our thoughts, as long as we think about it in the right way.
Earlier today I replaced the message on the little bulletin board on my office door. Here is what it says:

Not only in late November and most of December but all the time,
we live between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
“Thanks be to God (Thanksgiving) for
His inexpressible gift (Christmas)
(2 Cor. 9:15).
The late Andre Crouch, asked, “How can I say thanks?”
The song goes on to talk about what we have in Christ.
The Apostle Paul answered that question long before the Gospel singer put it to music.
We say thanks by giving ourselves a living sacrifice to God (Rom. 12:1-2).
Give thanks. Give yourself.
Merry Christmas.
Many times, over the past half-a-century, I have thought about, preached, and taught about that concept. Unfortunately, we too often look at that self-sacrifice in a theoretical, hypothetical way.
"if someone comes to me, points a gun at my head, and asks if I love Jesus, I won't deny Him."
Well, fine, but the fact of the matter is, that is very unlikely to happen. Few, if any of us, will ever be called on to give our lives all at once. If we are called on in that way I hope we will be faithful, but most of us are called on to give our life a little at a time--moment by moment, decision by decision, act by act. I frequently fail.
Let me use one decision that comes to us each Sunday.
Any of us who are familiar with the New Testament understand that God's people ought to be involved in a local church. Hebrews 10:25 is  favorite of pastors seeking to encourage church attendance.
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering,
for he who promised is faithful.
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,
25 not neglecting to meet together,
as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 

It's not my purpose to try to guilt you into something, but  I do want to connect this Thanksgiving/Christmas concept with church attendance. One way that I "give my body as a living sacrifice" (or perhaps it is a result of having given myself to the Lord, or maybe even both) anyhow one way that I demonstrate this self-sacrificial concept is to be a regular part of an assembly of believers. Does that involve sacrifice? Yes, it does. If I am going to be a part of church on Sunday, it means I can't stay up all night on Saturday. When the alarm rings on Sunday morning it means I don't just turn it off and stay in bed. It might even mean that I leave the K-pop concert early.
But you say, "I haven't found the perfect church with the perfect pastor yet." Quit searching. I was the imperfect pastor of an imperfect church for 42 years. Imperfect? Yes, but also wonderful. Instead of looking for a perfect church, look for one that help you grow and one where you can serve. With apologies to your uncle, don't just go to a church because some of your relatives go there, or because it has the same name as the island you are from. Talk to someone you trust who can help you make a choice. Don't become a church-wanderer--just going from church to another week by week. Sure there are reasons to visit another church, but you should be able to honestly say about one church, "This is my church." Getting to know a group of people and letting them get to know you, will be valuable. Brent Branham and Victor Decker, were my pastors for a brief time while I was in college. Both were imperfect people. Both had a profound impact on my life. It is a great opportunity.

OK, that is enough. Let me know if I can help.

are a couple of business opportunities, dates, things you need to do.
  • Pre-register. Come and see Joshua Combs.
  • Pray for new students.
  • Charity asked us to pray for guidance for her. Please do.
  • Get your work done, your bill paid, your room cleaned.
  • If you want to stay in the dorm over Christmas break, or if you are hoping to stay somewhere else, talk to Alex as soon as he gets back.
  • Have a Merry Christmas!
January 7…………………………… Orientation
January 8-9……………………….. Registration
January 10…………………………. Spring semester classes begin

March 12-14……………………… Annual Board Meeting
March 15-17……………………… PIU Days
March 18-22……………………… Spring Break
April 19……………………………… Good Friday (no classes)
May 3………………………………… Baccalaureate Service
May 4………………………………… Spring Semester Ends
May 4………………………………… Graduation

I know there are good reasons for some of you to live off campus, but, if you aren't living on campus, you should really consider living in the dorm this spring.
  • You have good neighbors like Kathy and the Tavarezes.
  • You have good access to the Library.
  • You are around for chapel and other opportunities that help you grow.
  • You will save gas.
  • You don't have to depend on others to get you here in time for class.
Don't assume you can't afford to live in the dorm. Let one of us sit down and work the numbers with you.


The Prez.
By His Grace,
    The Prez.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Student Mail, Prez to Students, 11/16/18


Hey PIU Students, this is the latest edition of the . . .

President to Students
(Pr to Ss) News.

If you are a turkey, there is good reason to run hard this week.
If you are a PIU student, it is no time for you to rest. See more below.

What a privilege it was to lead you in last Friday's chapel. So often I have to share bad news. It was great to lead a celebration of good news.
As I write this morning, I'm thinking about times in my life that were significant points of progress. I hope this chapel was that for you. You may want to stop by and talk about times of significant spiritual progress. Here are some from my life.
  • In June of 1962, I stopped just down the street from where I lived, bowed my head and trusted Christ as my Saviour.
  • It would have been 3 or 4 years later that I was confronted with the fact that the Lord Jesus has the right to all that I am, Romans 12:1-2. I responded to an invitation at a youth rally. My friend Bob Hanson went forward with me.
  • It would have been during my freshman year at Appalachian Bible Institute that Dr. Lester Pipkin shared his testimony of systematically surveying his life and yielding every part of it to the Lord's control--even to the point of the Lord taking away the abilities he had. I went to my room and from the corner of the top bunk I did the same.
  • August 12, 1972 I said "I do" to Kathy, a church full of friends and family, and to the Lord. We came together not only as husband and wife, but as partners in ministry.
  • In December of 2016 I responded to a request to come and fill in at PIU.
It has been my privilege to serve the Lord, these many years. I have no regrets. I'm praying that 50 years from now you will look back to your time at PIU as a time of spiritual progress in your life. Don't waste the opportunity.

Preregister before the end of the semester.
Be watching for an announcement. Preregistration will open soon. It will make your life much easier when you show up in January.

Speaking of Spring Semester:
Make sure you take note of the Academic Calendar. It has been adjusted to give us enough classes sessions in our Wed.-Fri. classes:

January 7…………………………… Orientation
January 8-9……………………….. Registration
January 10…………………………. Spring semester classes begin

March 12-14……………………… Annual Board Meeting
March 15-17……………………… PIU Days
March 18-22……………………… Spring Break
April 19……………………………… Good Friday (no classes)
May 3………………………………… Baccalaureate Service
May 4………………………………… Spring Semester Ends
May 4………………………………… Graduation
I know there are good reasons for some of you to live off campus, but, if you aren't living on campus, you should really consider living in the dorm this spring.
  • You have good neighbors like Kathy and the Tavarezes.
  • You have good access to the Library.
  • You are around for chapel and other opportunities that help you grow.
  • You will save gas.
  • You don't have to depend on others to get you here in time for class.
Don't assume you can't afford to live in the dorm. Let one of us sit down and work the numbers with you. 

Make sure you see Celia about your balance. Do it sooner rather than later. We want to help you. Come and see Alex or me.

Wednesday, right before Thanksgiving, Liebenzell Mission is asking its people to pray and fast. The particular focus on on family members of missionaries who are sick, people like Dani Tavarezes sister, Erin, who was hospitalized with low blood pressure and heart rate. Or Urte Scherer's father. I invite you to stop by my office for a time of prayer on Wednesday.

Old, bad habits are hard to break.
     New, good habits are hard to start.
But by God's grace we can do it.
Here is a good way to practice putting off old negative habits and putting on new ones.

Put off leaving soda cans, food wrappers, etc. lying around.
Put on putting all trash in the right place. 
Ask a couple of friends to help you. Give them permission to remind you, even bug you.
Sooner than you think, you'll have a new, good habit. 
Apply this put off, put on concept to other far more important matters.
It's hard to believe this semester is drawing to a close. Finish strong. If you need help seek it out. Let's press on.

Go to bed on Saturday. Be at church on Sunday!
See you at C&G on Monday.

The Prez.
By His Grace,
    The Prez.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Prez 2 Students, 10/19

Hey PIU Students, this is the latest edition of the . . .

President to Students
(Pr to Ss) News.

This afternoon some of you will be ministering to a family in their time of grief. Thank you for helping the Hutapea family by setting things up for the funeral service for Edward Hutapea.  I am aware that from your perspective, forty-eight seems quite old. From my perspective, I look at Edward Hutapea's life and think, "He was only a little older than my sons. I think the last time I saw Edward was at his church, where his funeral will be held. I am glad that Edward was a man who trusted the Lord. I'm reminded of what another young man had to say, just today in Chapel. Victor Billy spoke about a crisis time in his life, and the decision he made to follow the Lord. I look at you, students, and I see such incredible potential. Don't wait too late. Start now. If you have started, keep going. 
Live for Jesus.

I figure that most of you won't recognize this picture, even though it is something on our campus, something that you use every day.
It's the meter that keeps track of how much water we use. That is water for which we have to pay. Recently, we had a water bill approximately three times higher than normal. The excess water cost as much as it would cost to take all our students and staff out for a nice meal. The extra money spent on water would be enough to pay the fees and buy uniforms for both our sports teams. You get the idea. When I first heard about the bill I thought that we must have a huge leak somewhere. It now looks like we had a number of little leaks.
I'll be assigning some people to monitor our system, but I'm asking you to help. If you see a leak or a toilet that keeps running, let us know. Tell your RA, send an email to Celia and me. Don't wait for someone else to do it. We'll be monitoring our water usage over the next couple of weeks. Help us reduce the use of water. It's good for the environment and it's good for PIU.

How about surprising a faculty or staff member. For no particular reason, just step up and tell them, "Thank You for what do."

One way of saying thanks is with the work that you do at Clean and Green. Be in the Pavilion Monday at 10:00. Thanks for keeping our campus looking nice.


I'm looking forward to hearing a report about our ministry this Sunday. I'm praying for you.

The Student Development Team will tell you more about this, but mark your calendar.

KTWG is raising funds by hosting the movie "Indivisible" at Micronesia Mall Theaters
12:40pm October 27 (Sat) and October 28 (Sun)
Tickets are $12 and are available at Faith Bookstore and KTWG. The SD Team will let you know more.

Some praise and prayer items:
  • Reserve Fund is just over $64,000. We need $22,000 more. Pray for contacts that have been, and are being made.
  • Pray for fellow students & teachers.
  • I will travel to Texas for the TRACS conference at the end of the month.
  • Kathy's brother is donating a kidney to his sister-in-law. Surgeries are about now. Pray for Van (donor) and Rhonda (recipient).
  • K2
  • Dani Tavarez is attending a retreat in P.I.
  • Several faculty staff are being evaluated concerning health issues.
Something different that you might enjoy.
The song, Allegri's 'Miserere', is almost 400 years old. It is sung in Latin, but is literally a prayer forgiveness, based on Psalm 51. It is hauntingly beautiful. Here are the first few lines. You will recognize them as being from Psalm 51..
Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness: according to the multitude of thy mercies
do away 
mine offenses.
Wash me 
thoroughly from my wickedness:
and cleanse me from my sin.

You can read all the lyrics, here.

Go to bed on Saturday. Be at church on Sunday!
See you at C&G on Monday.

The Prez.
By His Grace,
    The Prez

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Prez to PIU Students, 10/5/18

Hey PIU Students, this is the latest edition of the . . .

President to Students
(Pr to Ss) News.

Our Ladies Volleyball team played in the first game of the intercollegiate volleyball tournament. The Tritons won, but we are proud of our Tides team.

I am very pleased with a number of things I see developing in our student body. I told a fellow pastor today that I see an emphasis on discipleship at PIU. I'm not only talking about what the faculty and staff are doing either. Kathy and I are privileged to be a part of one of the new family groups. So far it is going well. Kathy recently came home from Women's Dorm Devotions. It was student led. She was impressed. The attitudes around Clean and Green have been excellent. I heard good reports in regard to our student's ministry at M.O.M.C. I could go on, but I'll just say, thanks, students. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, my friend, and Board Chair, Bill Schuit, and the new Liebenzell USA Director, Dennis Wadley will be with us in chapel. Dennis will be speaking. You always need to be in Chapel, but especially on Tuesday.

The Library has a new mascot, Tidey Bear. Ben Keiko tells me that Tidey is a great homework consultant. Stella never has to tell her or him (we don't know) to be quiet.
Ben and I were a bit disappointed that the bear wasn't named Benny or H Lee, but we are OK with Tidey. It reminds us of our sports teams names, and as Scott pointed out, the library is about the "tidiest place on campus.

Speaking of which, I try not to walk past a piece of trash. Join me in picking up and putting away. I'm sure Tidey Bear would approve.

You students really blessed your old President's heart with the way you responded to the announcement about the need for $86,000 in a secure bank account. Alex told me that your response was, "What can we do?"
A couple of things.

  • I posted two videos on the "Coffee with the President" YouTube channel. You can go to the channel, the link above, or click on the picture of Miaky for the Post Mangkhut Report. The first video features an impromptu video with some of the guys. The second one tells about the greater threat that involves the need for $86,000. Share this with others. Perhaps the Lord will lead them to be of help. etc.
  • The second is far more important. Our students are our best recruiting and fundraising tools. Keep growing and becoming all that God wants you to be. A fringe benefit of that is people will look and say, I want to support a school that is working with students like that.
As I write this, the special fund is about $63,000. That's about 73% of what we need.

We are at that make or break part of the semester. Keep working. Encourage one another. Tidey Bear can't do it all.

Please pray for your teachers and we administrators, as we continue to lead PIU ahead.

Be watching for the next edition of Ps to Ss.

The Prez.
By His Grace,
    The IP

Monday, April 30, 2018


Please register, ASAP, if you are interested insummer school.
Registration for both online and classroom classes is open. See Hartmut.

Greeting to PIU-Guam Students
from the President. 
Here is some news
and encouragement as we
stretch for the finish line of this semester.
Prez to Student News.

Congratulations to all of you. 
  • Certainly, congratulations are in order for the class of 2018. I look forward to celebrating with you this weekend.
  • To all of you who are finishing this semester successfully, I offer a mini-congratulation (Is it possible to offer congratulation (singular)?) Anyhow, you are one semester closer to your big goal. You have done well!
  • To those of you who just want this semester to be done--it hasn't been good for you and you want to be done with it--I also offer a word of congratulation . . . IF.
    Scott Refilong offered some wisdom recently. 
For those of you trying to finish college this year. 
smart not [just] hard. . . .
College is a place for hustle and bustle sometimes but chill out. 
You should be in college to slowly soak in every detail,
to make you better in what you want to do, and, if you feel you cant make it this time 
then so be it. . . .

 Be happy to set and finish a long term goal in a long time. . . 
Being happy to pass is always the given, 
but for those of you that have a difficult time, 
be content if you "happen" to fail because 
you are STILL in the process of learning.

Blessings. Finish Strong and Happy.
Thanks Scott.
  • if your semester didn't finish as you hoped it would all is not lost. The Bible is full of stories of redemption. In fact THE Storyof the Bible is about how God is redeeming this sin-ruined planet and its inhabitants for His glory. He can do the same for a messed up semester. If you realize that, I congratulate you
Let me introduce you to Dr. Stephen Whatley.
Dr. Whatley actually has two Doctoral degrees, but you don't need to call him "Dr. Dr.."
He has taught for about 33 years in this part of the world, including at MIBS. He worked with Dr. Bill Wood, and was one of Iotaka's teachers. He is a young guy, like me. He will be teaching THEO 201, Christian Doctrine 2, during the first summer session. He will be staying in the guest apartment, where Kathy and I usually live.
Please be nice to him and make him feel welcome.
FYI: Dr. Whatley is planning to be in the Marshalls during July.

Pay your bills, etc.
I'm afraid that sometimes we give you students the wrong idea about meeting obligations. We talk about you won't be able to graduate, or we won't release a transcript, etc. The fact of the matter is, though those consequences are true, and you should avoid them, the real reason you should meet your obligations is because it is the right thing to do. The NLT captures the gist of Psalm 15:3 when it says that people of integrity are those who "keep their promises even when it hurts."
Many of the good things you will learn ( or can learn) at PIU aren't on any test given in the classroom. The test is in real life. This is one of those lessons. Do the right thing.

Tyndale House Publishers. (2013). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (Ps 15:4). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. righteous man is one who "

We have a good layout for summer classes.
  • Pick up a schedule in the office or view it online.
  • Dorms will be open. See more below.
  • Pell grants are available for summer school. If you haven't already, talk to Delight.
  • For part of the summer, I won't be here to bug you.

Your RAs have information about Dorm Clean-up,and summer dorm. Check with them.
May 6 is out-of-the-dorm time.

Here is the latest from Alex and Scott:

The dorms close at 5 pm May 6th. If you need a place to stay between classes May 6th and summer classes start, please see Celia by Friday.

If you are planning on leaving stuff, because you are returning, please place it in a box or plastic box and label with your name. (Remind me to tell you about my pickle bucket full of love letters.) If you are not returning please take what you can, give what you can to other students, and then place the other stuff in bags for trash.

If you are planning to stay in the dorm over summer we need to know by Friday!

Check with RAs for details.

"You, students, are our best recruiters."
We have a simple recruiting tool. Please pick up a few in the office.  It is engineered to encourage potential students to look further. We have it in both a digital and print format. Write Joshua to get a digital copy or see below.
  • Pick out one or more friend, relative, or fellow church member whom you want to encourage to come to PIU.
  • Get either a printed version of this "recruitment tract" or the digital version (See attachment)
  • Write a personal note to your friend. Don't just send them the tract. For some this will best be done by email, Facebook, or some other media you students have mastered. For others, postal mail will work best. For a few, the best way to handle this will be to sit down with your friend and have a conversation.
    Whatever is best, just do it.
  • If you are sending your note to your friend via postal mail, you can just give it to Joshua. We'll buy the stamp.
  • This one is most important. Stop by my office so we can pray, and discuss how to best reach out to your friend.
  • It would be good to mention that because of the sacrificial service of our staff, and because our accreditation enables US & Compact students to use Pell grants, education at PIU is a bargain, for many of you, it is free. 


I talked to Dave and Joyce this morning. They asked me to pass on their greeting. They would love to be here.
The will be in Cincinnati in June, visiting Samantha and the grandkids. Mike will be in Israel for an archeological dig. They'll see him briefly before he leaves.
Dave sounds and looks good. He has a follow-up scan in July.


Have a great week.
By His Grace,
    The Prez.