Friday, December 8, 2017



Pre-Christmas greeting to PIU-Guam Students from the President. Here is some news and encouragement for you. . .

Prez to Student News.


This will be my last Prez to Ss email for a while. I hope you won't miss me too badly.

Let me take care of some business, which, by the way, is something that I hope you are doing. Get that homework, big project, etc. done. Study for those tests. You can rest at the end of next week. This is the time to GET-IT-DONE!

Here are a few other items of business. 
  • Make sure you take care of any balances in the business office.
  • Get your library materials back to the library.
  • Finish up your Community Service hours.
  • If you are a dorm student, get your room cleaned out. Store your stuff in the designated place.
  • Fill out & turn in your pre-registration form.
OK, did that make you tired?

Maybe this will give you some rest:
Stop by the Merrells next week for a study break and free cookies.
As a matter of fact, Kathy and Howard will be staying here over Christmas break. You are very welcome to stop by. We might have some cookies left.

Sunday, as in day-after-tomorrow, we have a team going to the church were Restme and Matty's dad pastors. If you would like to join us, talk to Alex.

I'm going to use the picture Hartmut took, today, to make an online Christmas card. I'd like for the card to contain as many greetings, from you, as possible. Please write up a one-line greeting. It can be from just you, or from a group (if you go for a group, make sure everyone in the croup is OK.
"Merry Christmas from the girls in room 6."

"May your season be filled with Christ's blessings. The Senior Class"
You get the idea. I need these right away.

Get the latest from Dave and Joyce Owen. They would really enjoy hearing from you. Click on the picture to go to Dave's blog and get the latest news.

If you were late for chapel today, you missed seeing a funny video. Here is a link:

One of the goals that Alex, Scott, and I had for this semester was to raise the standard of our chapel services. I think we succeeded. From Iotaka's "None of your business," tp Delight's appeal to make our commitment our own personal decision and not merely a family tradition, to the great music packages, to Hartmut's sharing about the "uncommonly good Father," to Dani's honest openness about following Christ, to today's candlelight service, to . . . this has been a good chapel season. Thanks to Scott and Alex for good planning. Thanks to the setup crew, for making our room inviting. Thanks to the praise team. Thanks to all our speakers. Thanks to, you students, for improving your on-time record.  I'm looking forward to chapel in the spring semester.

I have been saying all year long that you students are our best recruiters. You are.
Keep in mind that about everything related to admissions can be found on our website,
Please tell any prospective students that they are welcome to get in touch with me. I'll gladly correspond with them, or talk to them on the phone.

Don't say you don't have a ride to church. Talk to me and I'll make sure you do. (Click on the picture. I think you'll like it.)

Here we are in the Christmas season.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only ,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

John 3:16
Christmas, Let's make it a time to live for God's glory.

Hey, maybe some of you can help me out. I'm trying to sell Dave Owen's car. If you know somebody who is looking for a nice ride, send them my way. Here is the ad.


Gary Houde, photo.
One more thing:
I have noticed that even really smart students can get really dumb right after final exams. Watch out. Don't do anything stupid.

Since most of you aren't real familiar with snow and snowmen, you might need to think about this one a bit


Thursday, November 30, 2017


Hey PIU-Guam Students, here is some news and encouragement for you. . .

Prez to Student News.


Did I tell you, I'm really glad that Kathy is back. She is now convinced that I'm the one.

I really enjoyed Chapel, today. Thanks so much for reminding me of God's faithfulness. Remember the right response to God's faithfulness is our obedience. God is faithful even in hard times. Our obedience should be steady as well.

After chapel, Kathy and I took Kevin Graham out for lunch. Kevin, a graduate of PIU, is the administrative assistant/music leader/all around good guy at Lutheran Church of Guam. He and his wife, Diana just returned from a short-term mission trip to Japan. The Grahams are planning to become more involved in the work in Japan. Please pray for them.
I'd love to see more PIU students head out to minister to the nations. Here is one outstanding opportunity. I'm praying that some of our PIU students will join Crystal Gosnell at Ministry of Mercy. Crystall is an LMUSA missionary and a friend of the Merrells.

It was good to hear testimonies in chapel today abut this being a good semester. I agree. From God's faithfulness in meeting our individuals needs to His gracious supply of our needs as a school, we have seen His faithfulness. It was good to take note of that and to offer thanks.

I shared in chapel today that I am open to having a Coffee with the President time with you students. Just give me an invitation to come to your dorm, or to meet somewhere else (for you off campus students, we could meet at the pavilion or at my apartment, if you would like.) CwtPis a friend-reaching/fundraising project. My goal really isn't to raise funds from you students, but to explore ways that you can help reach out to those who could, and should partner with us. Let me hear from you.

Don't forget about the opportunity for new applicants to apply without the $40 application fee, and for you students to earn $100 credit. Click here for more information.

Please continue to pray for Dave and Joyce Owen. Dave is out of the hospital, though his doctors wanted him to stay close by, so he and Joyce are in an apartment nearby. Joyce tripped over somethin construction related, and came up with a black eye and some bruises. Praise the Lord that no bones were broken. Pray that they will soon be back in their California home continuing to recover. You can read the latest here. It's more good news.

Billy Edwin is in Hawaii for a family funeral. Let's make him proud with our participation in CLEAN&GREENon Monday.
The following week, exam week, there will be no C&G.

OK, it's not Daylight Saving Time, in fact we don't even do that on Guam, but I think you'll get the point, and beside that, you'll enjoy the video.

Remember, you do have a ride to church. Talk to me and I'll make sure you do.

Here we are in the Christmas season.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Christmas, Let's make it a time to live for God's glory.

Hey, maybe some of you can help me out. I'm trying to sell Dave Owen's car. If you know somebody who is looking for a nice ride, send them my way. Here is the ad.


That's me at the far end.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Inline image 1

Our Thanksgiving gathering is 1:00 on Thursday. 

Please bless us with your presence.
Please pray for me and my turkey. I am cooking it without Kathy. It's just me, the internet, and the Lord.
I spoke with Cel. We'll be setting-up differently than in the past. We'll put all the food in classroom 2, and set up tables for eating in classroom 1a&b. We'd like everyone to be in the same place for the meal. 
Everyone (other than those Cel. designates as final setter-uppers), please, be in classroom 1 at 1:00. Before we eat I will ask everyoneassembled to share a thought about something for which they are thankful. Obviously, brevity is important. Please think about it, and share something meaningful. 
As you come in I (or someone) will give you a card with something for which we should be thankful as an institution, and for something for which we should pray. Please give thanks, and pray in your devotions and at other times.
I have asked Stuco President, Jordan Darrow to lead us in a prayer of Thanks for our meal. I have seen the sign-up sheet. I am confident it will be a great meal. ItAfter Jordan's prayer, you'll be able to go to classroom 2 and load your plate. Please come back to classroom 1 so we can all eat together.

Inline image 2


We have been praying for God's provision. Celia just shared news with us about a check we received from one of the foundations that works with us. With this in our account we should be good until the end of the year.
We are a long way from done. I figure we won't be finished until we hear (I hope) "Well done." from our Master.
In particular, be praying for an increase in student numbers. Please, if you know of a prospective student, encourage them, and get their name to Joshua.

Kathy regrets that she won't be with us for the Thanksgiving meal. Right about now, she should be arriving, with Chris's family, at Chad's house in Louisiana. I hope to Skype in as they gather for Thanksgiving there.

Tuesday after chapel we'll be gathering in at the Pavilion for a time of prayer. You may choose to skip lunch, fasting to sharpen your attention to prayer, or you may choose to delay your lunch meal so you can join us. We'll finish before 12:30. We have much about which to pray, but primarily our focus will be on student recruitment.

The plans aren't all firmed-up, yet, but a group of students are planning a ministry to Saipan during Spring Break. Former PIU staffer, Pastor Marcellus Ngrainigas, of the Palauan Evangelical Church in Saipan, will be working with us. If you would like more information, or if you would like to help bring this trip to reality, see Alex Tavarez. 

SEE you tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 10, 2017


Hey PIU-Guam Students, here is some news and encouragement for you. . .

Interim President to Students
(IP to Ss) News.


Since returning, just in time for my 8:00 am class on Thursday, I've been busy and jetlagged, so I haven't plugged in to all of K2, but what I have seen and heard encourages me greatly. By the time most of you students read this Kwilll be history. I'm praying that the impact in your life will be historic.
Love God. Love others. It doesn't get much more basic than that, but this is a reminder we all need. Yesterday I asked one of our faculty members what he wanted people to think of when they heard PIU mentioned. He said that he wants people to know that we are a family. The pictures of Kabove ooze family-ness, and the picture of Dave reminds us that being a family is not just about the good times. (By the way, click on Dave's picture to get a report on what is going on with his treatment right now.)
Family doesn't let family go through hard times without prayer.

So, if this is a family, I guess I'm kind of like the Dad--I am, after all, married to Mama Kat. : )
So, let me have a brief family talk.
The PIU family is working its way out of a difficult time, and I'm glad to say we are making some progress. All of us, especially you students need to help. In the end, people look to you students, more than any other indicator, to decide whether PIU is doing a good job. Your behavior, your progress, what you do with the good things poured into you either builds or detracts from our reputation as a school.
We are a family. We need to look out for one another.

Speaking of family--and I guess we are--We will have a Thanksgiving luncheon, turkey, ham, all sorts of  good stuff, on Thursday, November 23 at 1:00p.m.  All staff, faculty, volunteers, and students are invited. Where I come from gathering for a Thanksgiving feast is about as family as it gets.

Don't forget about the APPLICATION FEE WAIVER, from now until 12/15.

If you recruit another student—could even be a family member—and they enroll and complete their FAFSA, you will earn $100.

Far more important than $100, you’ll introduce others to the good things about PIU.

In past editions of IP to Ss I've shared some reasons why you should stay in the dorm, or consider moving into the dorm
If you didn't read these totally convincing reasons, look back at past editions..

If you are convinced, talk to Alex Tavarez.

I was not quite 11 years old when John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as the thirty-fifth President of the United States. His words still ring. I hope you will translate them into your situation. As our K speaker has reminded us. We are here to serve.



I'm really glad that you are a part of this family, and I'm glad to be back.
By His Grace,
    The IP

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Hey PIU-Guam Students, here is some news and encouragement for you. . .

Interim President to Students
(IP to Ss) News.

Hafa Adai from half a world away,

I'm sitting in my living room in Covington VA, with a fire going in the fireplace. I am nearing the end of my trip. 

I flew into Houston Texas. I took a short trip on a shuttle bus to College Station, home of Texas A & M. My younger son and his family live there. Went back to Houston and flew to Raleigh North Carolina. I rented a car and drove from there to Roanoke Virginia, where I dropped off the rental and picked up my car. I went on to Covington Viriginia. I slept at my house on 10/21, and preached twice at Faith Baptist Church, a church that has supported us and PIU. I left Sunday afternoon and drove to Raleigh North Carolina and met with a consultant on Mondaymorning, at 7:00. I drove from there to Columbia South Carolina, Columbia International University, arriving in time for lunch on Monday. I spent the night in the guy's dorm and left there after lunch on Tuesday. Among the other contacts I had in Columbia, I was able to meet with Steve, Grandpa Steve, Bradley. I drove to Orlando Florida, arriving on 10/25. Nino and I attended the TRACS conference. On Saturday morning Nino flew to San Francisco and I drove to Sarasota Florida, to see my niece and her family for a few hours. Audrey and Rob, are part of our support team. I drove about an hour to Tampa Florida, where I enjoyed supper and an overnight with a potential staff person. I spent all day Sunday driving to Atlanta, where I spent the night at the home of PIU Board member, David Mayer. David and I met with the missions pastor at his church, a huge ministry. After lunch on Tuesday I drove to Sterlington Louisiana, where my older son lives. I was able to celebrate Ava's 5th birthday with her. I also met with two pastors while there.  On Thursday, I flew to Newark New Jersey, and then drove to LMUSA headquarters in Schooley's Mountain New Jersey. I gave reports to the Board, and others, and met with some ministry partners. Yesterday, 11/4, I drove to my house. I met with Kathy's brother and sister-in-law, last evening. They were passing through Covington. The church Kathy's brother pastors is part of our support team. I preached this morning at both services of my home church. Tomorrow I'll drive to Beckley West Virginia, to meet with some good friends who are part of our support team as well as participants in the Coffee with the President campaign. On Tuesday I fly from Roanoke Virginia. I should arrive in Guam in time for my Thursday morning class. Please pray that the contacts Nino and I made will be fruitful and that I'll arrive back in good shape.

Meeting with Grandpa Steve reminded me of the sacrifice that many have made, and are making, to make it possible for you to get an education at PIU. I hope you'll keep that in mind. There are those who believe in you and want to give you the opportunity to succeed. Let's make the most of this opportunity to the glory of God.

You are the best recruiters that we have.  Not only are you good recruiters of students, but you are our best advertisement to encourage others to support PIU. That should serve as an extra incentive to do what you should be doing anyhow. Excell at school, and live for Jesus wherever you are.

Don't forget about the APPLICATION FEE WAIVER, from now until 12/15.

If you recruit another student—could even be a family member—and they enroll and complete their FAFSA, you will earn $100.

Far more important than $100, you’ll introduce others to the good things about PIU.

In past editions of IP to Ss I shared some reasons why you should stay in the dorm, or consider moving into the dorm if you aren’t already living there. Here is another.
Living in the dorm doesn't cost as much as you think. The fact is, when you consider the price of gas and wear and tear on a car, and then factor in the fact that our dorm students are able to eat quite economically because they prepare their own food, it may be cheaper to live in the dorm than to commute.

There is one more reason why you should consider living in the dorm. You have to live somewhere. If you can live in the dorm for less than, or for about the same cost, as living off campus, consider that by living in the dorm you'll help PIU financially. When our dorms are not full we lose income.

Talk to Alex Tavarez.

When you see Kathy, "Mama Kat," tell her that Howard says he is looking forward to delivering all the hugs people have said to give to her.


Friday, October 27, 2017


Hey PIU-Guam Students, here is some news and encouragement for you. . .

Interim President to Students
(IP to Ss) News.

Hey, Students,

One of the things that I often tell others about PIU is that we are not only interested in making our students smarter, we want to help them become more Godly. That is not just a slogan. For instance, I'm praying that the upcoming K2 retreat will be a great part of that discipleship process.
In my quest to help encourage the PIU student body toward greater devotion to Christ, from time to time, I share articles that I think are particularly helpful. Here is one:

Please take time to read it.
I'm writing from Orlando Florida. Nino and I are attending the TRACS conference. No, we won't be going to Disney World.
A couple of days ago, I was able to visit with Steve (Grandpa Steve) Bradley. He loves PIU and prays for us regularly. In addition to his many years of service to PIBC, and PIU, Grandpa Steve is investing in the lives of students like you. He is not alone. When you go to class, do your homework, and represent PIU out in public, keep in mind that people like Steve Bradley believe in us. Let's make the most of the opportunity that the Lord, and His servants, are giving us in this unique institution. 

I just got this from Dave Owen, please pray.

.My blood passed the test. Ready to begin the harvest of stem cells

You are the best recruiters that we have.  Make sure you take note of and spread the news.

If you recruit another student—could even be a family member—and they enroll and complete their FAFSA, you will earn $100.

Far more important than $100, you’ll introduce others to the good things about PIU.

In a past IP to Ss I shared a reason why you should stay in the dorm, or consider moving into the dorm if you aren’t already living there. Here is another.
Living in the dorm enhances student success.
  • You have greater access to the library.
  • It is easier to stop by and see your teachers.
  • You are around others who are involved in studying.
  • You can make use of areas that are conducive to study.
Be watching for more reasons you should consider becoming my neighbor. If you are convinced already, talk to Alex Tavarez.
Tuesday October 31 is Reformation Day. This year is the 500th Anniversary ofMartin Luther posting his 95 theses, seen as the start of the Reformation of God's church.
We have obtained a 2017 documentary "Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer." It will be shown in Classroom 1A on Monday October 30 7-9pm.
NOTE: The Library will close at 7pm for this event.
One thing Librarian, Paul Drake, likes about this documentary is, "It isn't just a history story, but there is a discussion on the end as to its effect on Christians and the church today."
Open to all so come and enjoy the film. Light refreshments will be served.