Hey, This will be my last Prez to Ss email for a while. I hope you won't miss me too badly. Let me take care of some business, which, by the way, is something that I hope you are doing. Get that homework, big project, etc. done. Study for those tests. You can rest at the end of next week. This is the time to GET-IT-DONE! Here are a few other items of business.
- Make sure you take care of any balances in the business office.
- Get your library materials back to the library.
- Finish up your Community Service hours.
- If you are a dorm student, get your room cleaned out. Store your stuff in the designated place.
- Fill out & turn in your pre-registration form.
OK, did that make you tired?
Maybe this will give you some rest: Stop by the Merrells next week for a study break and free cookies.
As a matter of fact, Kathy and Howard will be staying here over Christmas break. You are very welcome to stop by. We might have some cookies left.
Sunday, as in day-after-tomorrow, we have a team going to the church were Restme and Matty's dad pastors. If you would like to join us, talk to Alex.
I'm going to use the picture Hartmut took, today, to make an online Christmas card. I'd like for the card to contain as many greetings, from you, as possible. Please write up a one-line greeting. It can be from just you, or from a group (if you go for a group, make sure everyone in the croup is OK.
"Merry Christmas from the girls in room 6."
"May your season be filled with Christ's blessings. The Senior Class"
You get the idea. I need these right away.Get the latest from Dave and Joyce Owen. They would really enjoy hearing from you. Click on the picture to go to Dave's blog and get the latest news.
If you were late for chapel today, you missed seeing a funny video. Here is a link: https://youtu.be/Man5dfm7mNMEnjoy! One of the goals that Alex, Scott, and I had for this semester was to raise the standard of our chapel services. I think we succeeded. From Iotaka's "None of your business," tp Delight's appeal to make our commitment our own personal decision and not merely a family tradition, to the great music packages, to Hartmut's sharing about the "uncommonly good Father," to Dani's honest openness about following Christ, to today's candlelight service, to . . . this has been a good chapel season. Thanks to Scott and Alex for good planning. Thanks to the setup crew, for making our room inviting. Thanks to the praise team. Thanks to all our speakers. Thanks to, you students, for improving your on-time record. I'm looking forward to chapel in the spring semester. I have been saying all year long that you students are our best recruiters. You are. Keep in mind that about everything related to admissions can be found on our website, PIU.edu. Please tell any prospective students that they are welcome to get in touch with me. I'll gladly correspond with them, or talk to them on the phone. Don't say you don't have a ride to church. Talk to me and I'll make sure you do. (Click on the picture. I think you'll like it.)Here we are in the Christmas season.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Christmas, Let's make it a time to live for God's glory.Hey, maybe some of you can help me out. I'm trying to sell Dave Owen's car. If you know somebody who is looking for a nice ride, send them my way. Here is the ad.
Gary Houde, photo.
One more thing: I have noticed that even really smart students can get really dumb right after final exams. Watch out. Don't do anything stupid.Since most of you aren't real familiar with snow and snowmen, you might need to think about this one a bit Remember, LIVE 4 JESUS!
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