Saturday, March 3, 2018


Greeting to PIU-Guam Students from the President. Here is some news and encouragement in this very busy time. . . .

Prez to Student News.

Kathy and I stopped by the carwash this morning. We were impressed with the way the team had organized things, and the way they interacted with those who stopped by. More, though, we are proud of the reason for this carwash. We are praying for the Saipan Mission Team. Be sure to thank those who are supporting you in this effort and, when you do, let them know that I'm thankful as well.
It's been a while since our students went on a mission trip. Alex and I aren't encouraging this trip because we have a drawer full of surplus money. We are encouraging it because it is the right thing to do. We should do what we can, when we can.
I try not to say too much about myself in these notes, but I'll make an exception. After we got back from the carwash, I spent the rest of the day hanging a new door in the library. We are thankful for the anonymous donor who provided a nice fiberglass door. It took some figuring and some custom-made trim to get it done, but it is mostly done. I figure that since God has given me some ability in doing those kinds of tasks that I ought to help Billy out when I can.
We ought to do what we can, when we can, for God's glory.
I haven't been able to join you every Monday, but when I'm able I enjoy working with you at Clean and Green. I've been impressed with the good attitude of you students and with the quality of your work.

Doing what we can, when we can, for God's glory goes beyond carwashes, mission trips, carpentry jobs, and Clean and Green. It needs to be a 24-7 way of life.Ours should be a life of service. I hope you are blessed by your church--I am by mine--but I hope you don't look on your involvement in your church only as a way to get something for yourself, but as an opportunity to serve. Doing what we can, when we can, for God's glory, can be as simple as picking up a piece of trash, or as hard as pushing through that tough class and getting a good grade.

Let me share one more way you can do something to help PIU and bring glory to God. Tell a friend or relative about PIU. Encourage them to get in touch with our admissions department. They can get started at

Here are a couple of other notes and/or prayer requests:

>  Dave Owen is at Stanford meeting doctors and
    getting checked out. You can find out more on his blog.
>  Pray for Karyn Sorenson. She blew out a major tendon in her foot.
>  Be sure to see Mama Cel to pay your bill.
>  Thank the Lord for those donors who support us, and pray for others to join them.
>  Clean and Green is tomorrow.
>  I'm looking forward to PIU Days, how about you?
>  While some of you are on break, and others are in Saipan, the PIU Board of Trustees will be meeting.
    Please pray for us. We need God's wisdom.

Don't forget, let's do what we can, when we can, for God's glory.

Have a great week.
By His Grace,
    The Prez.

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