Saturday, August 31, 2019


Hey Students,

We completed the first week of Fall Semester, 2019. Wow!
Have you learned a week's worth?

How about helping me out. If you were on a campus filled with old, gray-haired, white guys, you might get confused about who is who, so help me out. Send me a selfie with your name attached. If you want to do a dualie or a triplet, that's fine, too. Just make sure you put your name(s) with it. Send it to I'll do a drawing from the pictures I receive. The winner will get a 4 for $4, from Wendy's.
Image result for labor day
How about letting our chapel team know you appreciate the fine job they have done. Music, first rate. Set up, done well and on time. Planning, Scott and Alex are doing great. Thanks to all of you.

There is no Clean and Green this Monday. It's Labor Day--go figure, no labor on Labor Day. Do a websearch for Labor Day, and you'll find out why. While there is no Clean & Green on 9/2, we do have work to do. If you would like to get some of your Community Service hours done, check in with me, we do have work to be done, both inside and outside.

Image result for pancakesThere will be Clean & Green on 9/9. Breakfast will be served at 9:30 in the Pavilion. We'll stop serving at 9:50. Get up! Get fed! Get some work done!

Make sure you read Paul Drake's post on the PIU Facebook page. Go hunt those scavengers.

I have had several students talk to me about a ride to church. No one should be worshipping at Relaxation Reformation Church, Bedside Baptist, S.E.C. (Slumbering Evangelical Church, or Snoring in Tongues Pentecostal Assembly.
Image result for get out of bedMany of the worthwhile lessons you will learn at PIU aren't on any syllabus, for any class. Here is one:
Look around. Dedicated people can do a lot of good if they keep on going the right way. Start right and keep heading that way.

See you!

The Prez

1 comment:

  1. hello
    uhm what time is the cleaning tomorrow?
    i would love to help cleamimg, please let me kmow where and what time.
    thank you
